The spinning dog sounds like something that would make one dizzy. Pet owners realize that their pets have certain habits. Some are very common. Like cats, to claim their territory, will rub the side of their mouths against furniture and peoples legs, among other things, to leave their scent. Or dogs, when asked if they want to go out, will bark and/or run towards the door.
Remember back in the day when all cans, including pet food, were opened with a can opener? No matter what you opened, the cats and dogs would come flying out of their hiding or sleeping spots, to race into the kitchen to the sound of the can opener. There were just certain habits of animals that you could count on.
But then there are the peculiar quirks that allowed the animals’ personalities to show through. Take my sister-inlaw’s dog Jack. When he has to go out and do his duty, all you have to do is say the word “walk” or “out” and he goes into a spin.
Yes, exactly. He spins around. Hence, the spinning dog. We get dizzy watching. In the comment section section, share some quirks that you know of from your pets or other people’s pets you know.
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